Monday, July 26, 2010

Stereotypes and Facebook Recommendations

One fairly new Facebook feature that always catches my attention and never fails to give me a good chuckle is the "recommendations" feature. Facebook, if it weren't for your crazy little algorithm, I might have gone my whole life without adding Family Guy as one of my favorite TV shows - the horror! And who knew that the pressure to get married would come more from one of your targeted ads than my own mother? By the way, if you receive hate mail from a guy named Chris, he is not my boyfriend and he won't actually go through with his plan to burn down the Shane Company...unless they keep running those terrible radio commercials.

But I digress.

I think it would be highly entertaining to see some sort of chart that details certain stereotypes perpetuated by Facebook recommendations. For example, I have "country music" listed as an interest. Yes, it's true. Those sweet, twangy tunes get my flip-flop feet a-tappin' and my head a-bobbin'. Did you follow that countryspeak? Apparently Facebook does, because almost every time I log in, my friendly neighborhood recommendations look like this:

"Hunting. Many who like 'country music' like this."

"Fishing. Many who like 'country music' like this."

"NASCAR. Many who like 'country music' like this."

Why not just give it to me straight and say:

"Redneck. Many who share your interests are one."

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